Sunday, May 20, 2007

Beam Me Up...

Pegasus requested.

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Great tune as featured on this excellent 12"

MP3: Speedy J - Beam Me Up! (Pegasus Mix)


steve said...

God, how I hated "Loudboxer"--sounded like the guy hit some preset and went into autopilot mode. Quite a change from his excellent previous releases.

Dave C said...

Never heard that actually, only bought his stuff up to about '96 at the latest really.

steve said...

Oh yeah, his stuff was getting much deeper, more complex and harder--industrial almost. I'm thinking "Public Energy No. 1" came out that year--superb recording. His "A Shocking Hobby" came out a few years later--prety much in the same vein as the previous. Highly reccomended. I don't know what happened with "Loudboxer" though! Anyhow, I read an article years ago about his house--pretty wild--very ultramodern, stacked cubes--geometric, kind of like some of his music. Anyhow, keep up the great posts!

Dave C said...

Cheers...glad you enjoy the posts!

Must check out his more recent stuff, I'll go order the two you mentioned tomorrow, thanks for the recommendation!

slinky said...

thanks for posting this!

yeah, "public..." (1997)
and "shocking..." (2000)
are much more experimental than his earlier stuff, but just as good.

"loudboxer" (2002)
and "collabs 3000 : metalism" (2005)
are more straight up techno.

steve said...

No problem Dave. hey, check out the recent "One" net label post at my blog--I'm sure you'll find something of interest.

What's up Slinky?